Madison McCaulley was born and raised in Edwards, Colorado. She has been inspired by the beautiful landscapes of Colorado since childhood. Growing up in Eagle County she had many support systems to support her art, including encouraging teachers and supportive family. She has had great art teachers in the public schools. From an early age her parents took her skiing, hiking and camping which influenced her sense of observing nature. The imprint nature has left on her is reflected in her art. In high school she took AP Art. She also competed in Nordic skiing and running. After high school, she went to Saint Olaf College to study Studio Arts. She has been to several foreign countries, including year in Egypt in 2006/2007 to study ancient art history. She also went to Adams State University for a Master’s in Painting, graduating in 2011. She still enjoys Alpine and Cross-country skiing in the winter, and hiking and running in the summer. Right now, Madison is working as a supervisor of an athletic center and part time at local art center to support her art. She is also a member of the Art Guild. She juggles art, exercising in the outdoors and her day jobs. All her work is hand painted by brush, Acrylic on canvas. To find out more about Madison McCaulley email her at
The tree knots on the Aspen Trees can resemble "eyes." The Native Americans saw the tree knots of the Aspen trees as the "eyes of their ancestors." The Aspen tree is one of the largest organisms on Earth, connected underground by the root system.
Making art is also very therapeutic, and a basic human need of expression...
2011 - Adams State University - Alamosa, CO - Master in Art - Painting
Colorado Mountain College - Edwards, CO
2008 - Saint Olaf College - Northfield, MN - BA Studio Art (+ Middle Eastern Studies)
2006/2007 - American University in Cairo, Egypt - Ancient Art History
2004 - Battle Mountain High School, Eagle-vail, CO - AP Art
2025 - SPAIN
2024 - Norway - Oslo, Bergen, Flam, Alesund, Trondheim
2012 - Madagascar - Antananarivo, Taolagnaro
2009 - South Korea - Seoul, Busan, Jeju
2009 - Vancouver, BC, Canada
2007/2006 - Cairo, Egypt - Giza, Garden City, Luxor
2007 - Jordan Amman, Petra
2007 - Turkey - Istanbul
2003 - Honduras
2001 - Italy
1999 - France, Paris